Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Strength/Weight Training Expectations

Strength and Endurance WEIGHT Training:
20% or your final mark. Students will have weight room time Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Material on this sheet will be tested in class.

Lifting a weight requires the controlled contraction of muscles.
People often will “lift” weights repeatedly to build muscle strength and endurance.
Many different devices and machines have been developed to simulate the resistance to muscle contraction associated with weight lifting.

Muscle vs. Fat: Why should you want more muscle than fat.
Muscle weighs more than fat. Two people the same weight can look very different. Fat produces toxins(bad chemicals) your body could do without.
Muscle at rest uses more calories (energy) than fat at rest.
At the beginning of a muscle building program you may see no change in weight but actually your fat to muscle ratio is changing. 

A healthy woman will normally have more body fat than a healthy man at the same fitness level. This is because women need the energy reserve when pregnant.

Testosterone is a hormone (natural body chemical) that helps in the development of large muscle mass.
Men and women have testosterone.
Men normally have more testosterone and that is why they will develop more muscle than women when doing a similar exercise routine over time.


1.   Never hold your breath when exerting your self. This can put too much pressure on your internal organs forcing them to push through your abdominal muscles. This is called a hernia. A hernia can be very painful and cause many health problems including the possibility over time of death. Exhale when exerting yourself – (contracting the muscle)
2.   Move the weight more quickly when contracting the muscle. Move the weight more slowly when relaxing the muscle. This will promote faster muscle development.
3.   Muscle Failure. The maximum weight you can move through one or two repetition of an exercise is your “muscle failure weight.” Use this weight to calculate the weight you should use in your exercise program.
4.   Building Mass vs building endurance & definition. To build large muscles use a weight that is 70-80% of  your maximum and do 6 – 8 repetitions of the exercise. To build endurance use a weight that is 50 – 60% of  your maximum and do 12 – 20 repetitions of the exercise. You should be exhausted by the time you finish your set.
5.   Rest/recovery time. If you do repeated sets of an exercise you should rest between sets. The larger the percentage of your maximum weight used, the longer you should rest between sets.
6.   Muscle Growth time. To develop muscle strength and endurance your body needs time between exercises. A beginning body builder needs about 6 days to fully recover and develop new muscle. Beginners will see the fastest, most dramatic results. After several weeks of training regularly, the recovery time can be shortened. It is generally agreed that the minimum recovery time is 48 hours.

1.    Find your maximums. Remember to exhale when “lifting” or exerting yourself.
2.     Use 50 – 60% of your maximum weights and do ten or more repetitions of each exercise during your first two or three workouts routines with adequate rest time between each workout.
3.     Increase your weights to either mass building (80%) or endurance building (60%) with adequate rest time between each workout.

To maximize strength development and minimize time requirements body builders will work different muscle groups on different days in a cycle.

Monday: Legs (Stations 1, 10, 11, 12, squats with weights)
Wednesday: Arms and Shoulders (Stations 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, push-ups)
Friday: Abdominals - stomach and back. (Stations 2, 3, 16, leg raises, inverted bicycle.

Day One: September 14, 2011
Find your maximum weight and perform 10 repetitions using 50% (half) of that weight load. Record your information on the sheet attached and return it to your teacher at the end of class.

Do not hold your breath while exerting yourself.
Rest one to two minutes between each set.

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