Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Health Assignment TWO Part 3

Health Assignment 2  PART THREE           
DEADLINE: October 31                                                                 

This may seem like a lot but if you've been doing the research in part one and two up until now then putting all the information together now should be easy.

In the first part of Assignment Two you were to choose one of the following subjects.

1.      Sport’s Medicine vs. Regular Medicine

2.      Compare  different types of Strength Training apparatus

3.      Health Superstitions

4.      Skin Care for young adults

5.      Long term health effects of sleep loss

6.      Common Workplace Health Hazards

1. Do you want to or have you been instructed to change any of your original 10 questions? Do that now.
2. Find another article to help you answer your questions. – This should be your THIRD article at least. If you find additional information to help a question that has already been answered, you can add this.
3. PRINT this THIRD article and include this when you hand in your FINAL VERSION OF THE ASSIGNMENT.
4. Write answers to as many more of the questions as you can, using this second article.
5. Hand in PART ONE with the first article and PART TWO with the second article and the third article with the information you have found as part of PART THREE.

Put all your information into one typed submission to be handed in.

Your Part Three submission will have a title page with

Your Name
Your Course: (Grade 11 or Grade 12 Physical Eduaction)
Your subject: (one of the five given)
Your THREE Sources:
  • A website name with its complete web address,                         OR      
  • A magazine name with the date of publication and article title            OR  
  • A book title with the publisher and author names and page numbers          etc.        
If your source is something other than the above options check with your instructor.

After  your title page you will have all ten of your questions and any answers you found for each question following - with a note at the end of each answer saying which source it came from.  SEE THE EXAMPLE BELOW

At the end of your questions and answers
ALSO include a printed or photocopied version of the material you listed in your sources.

EXAMPLE   TITLE PAGE with Sources 

NAME: D. Delabbio
COURSE: Grade 11 Physical Education
SUBJECT: Questions and Answers about Tattoo Health Concerns

Source #1

Source #2

Time Magazine   November 22, 1999
"Why Not Tattoo"

EXAMPLE Page 1 with Questions,  Answers and sources.

Question 1.
Do Tattoos hurt?

Answers to Question 1.
a) Everybody is different. Some people say the application of a tattoo is little more than an annoyance. Some people have said it’s like a “hot scratch”. And at the other end of things, there are some people who yell, scream and even faint from the pain. (source #1)

b) A woman might find the pain more or less intense depending on the time they get the work done during their menstrual cycle. (source #2)

Question 2.
What are the dangers of getting a tattoo?

Answers to Question #2
a) Make sure your tattoo artist is licensed and find out exactly what precautions that are taken to sterilize the tools and needles. Many different diseases can be  spread by unsanitary practices, including Hepititis A and B. (source #2)

b) Hospitals in big cities have reported an increase in the number of people be treated for infections caused by improperly applied tattoos. (Source #3)

c) When you get older or change your career or move to a different country the attitudes of the people around you may make the tattoo a big problem for you or your family or friends. (Source #3)

Question 3
Can tattoos be removed.

Answers to Question #3
a) etc...

If you haven't been able to answer the question leave the answer section blank.

Notice that after every answer I've written the source that I got it from.
If you want to use a fourth or fifth source include them on your list on your title page and include a printed/photocopied version with your final submission. 

 DEADLINE for Assignment Two is October 31.

ASSIGNMENT THREE will be due November 8th

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