Friday, 30 September 2011

Welcome: Introduction

Welcome to the Burnhamthorpe Collegiate Institute - Fall 2011- Physical Education Blog.

Ideally this blog will be used to keep the members of our class informed about class work, curriculum schedules, events and opportunities.

If it's not here - ask - and it maybe the next time.

Instructor: D. Delabbio

Course Outline

Grade 11 and 12 Healthy Living – Burnhamthorpe Fall 2011
Instructor: D. Delabbio

The course will be divided into two sections.
Physical Activity: approximately 60% of our class time
Physical Activity: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Location: Gym, outside fields, TBA
You must be present and active to earn marks through participation in this course.
If you are absent or unable to participate you will have to bring a note from a doctor with a phone number where they can be contacted.
There will be 26 classes in the gym over the nine week course equaling 65 hours. With or without a note from your doctor you must be present and active for 40 of those hours to pass the ‘physical activity’ portion of the course.
W      We will be doing a physical warm up at the beginning of most classes involving a jog and a stretch. Participation will be marked.
W      We will be doing strength and endurance training three or more times a week. Participation will be marked.
W      Students will be given “free” time in the gym to play games or practice skills. If you are active during this time it will improve your mark. If you are not it will lower your mark.
W      We will be reviewing and practicing skills associated with each of the sports, and we will be playing organized games. Participation will be marked.

The plan at this point is to work on basic skills and playing games in the following sports.

Healthy Living: approximately 40% of our class time.
Health Classes will be in Room 106 Tuesdays & Thursdays unless notified otherwise
W      A variety of topics will be reviewed in the classroom and the gymnasium. Nutrition, Optimum Strength/Endurance Training, the anatomy and physiology of the human body (Digestion, Circulation, Respiration…etc) Sex organ anatomy and function, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Birth Control… and more to be announced. There will be tests on these materials throughout the course and a final exam.
W      Several small research assignments will be given during the course to further expand self awareness and develop life long skills in health decision making.
The weight of these assignments will depend on the number assigned during the course.
My assessment of your participation will be based on the following
- you must follow all school rules and any rules concerning our activities.
- you must wear appropriate clothing – especially footwear.
- you must not wear any clothing, jewelry, accessories, etc deemed unsafe or unacceptable by your instructor
- you must actively participate in all activities when present
- you are expected to be attentive and focused on activities.

Students who are not in class actively participating (come especially late, take long “breaks”, leave especially early, not participating in activities, etc) will be considered absent

Midterm Mark Breakdown
Physical Activity (65%)
10%            Knowledge & Understanding Sport
30%            Participation in Game Activities
10%            Participation in Weight Training
10%            Participation in Daily Warm-up Activity
5%            Application in Daily Game Play

Health Activity (35%)
15 %             Knowledge & Understanding Health in class tests and assignments
10%            Communication – Health Assignments
5%            Application in Daily Strength Training
5%            Communication – Strength Training

Final Mark Breakdown
Physical Activity (55%)
5%            Knowledge & Understanding Sport
25%            Participation in Game Activities
5%            Participation in Weight Training
10%            Participation in Daily Warm-up Activity
5%            Application in Daily Game Play
5%            Communication – Strength Training

Health Activity (45%)
15%             Health Assignments and in class tests
15%            Communication – Final Health Assignment
15%            FINAL EXAM