Friday, 4 November 2011

The Talented Brain Video with Answers

Our Talented Brain                                                            NAME: 

1. Humans are very ______________________________ to other animals. The fundamentals of our respiration, digestion, circulation and reproduction are the same. Where we differ is in our ability to _________________________________________.

2. The rich variety of our lives comes from our exceptional ___________________________, __________________________________ and __________________________________.

3. The five senses by which we take information into our brains are a) ___________________________, b) ___________________________, c) ___________________________, d) ___________________________and e) __________________________________.

4. The simplest earliest animals had brains that dealt almost entirely with the senses of ___________________________ and ___________________________.

5. As life evolved the brain included more layers to process more information involving ___________________________ and ___________________________.

6. Deep inside our brains are areas that control our most primitive sensations – thirst, hunger, sex, fear and aggression. These primitive responses to our environment have helped animals including humans ___________________________.

7. The instinct for self-preservation, the drive to reproduce and our fight or flight response to dangerous situations – all of these are shared with animals.

8. What separates us from animals is our ability to make ___________________________ between various ideas in ways that animals cannot – and that can be traced back to the way our brain structure differs from theirs.

9. A human’s ability to ___________________________ the information provided by different senses – for example sight and touch – is beyond most animals.

10. Humans can very easily connect a picture of an object or the sound that it makes with the ___________________________ . Humans can also connect symbolic sounds (music and language) and symbolic sights (images and written words) with ___________________________ objects. Other animals cannot do this as easily as we can.

11. Many animals (Crows, monkeys, apes, whales, dolphins, porpoises, etc.) can understand ___________________________ representations (pictures, words, music, etc.) but none can with the complexity of human beings.

12. Animals learn to ___________________________ – including human beings. But humans learn many things that seem to have nothing to do with survival.

13. Animals lack our ability to make “___________________________” connections. The expression we currently use to describe this ability is “lateral thinking”

EXAMPLE #1 of humans making connections-
Animals fear fire.
Humans fear fire BUT use it for heat, to cook, to destroy, to change things, etc.

EXAMPLE #2 of humans making connections-
A basketball through the hoop example: We know that the ball can go through the circle more easily than it can go through the oval, so if we arc the basket ball more when trying to shoot a basketball through a hoop we have a better chance of putting the ball through the hoop. An animal would never be able to make that connection.

14. Our ability to remember things is very different than animals. We have two type of memory. Short-term memory lasts for ________________________ minutes before beginning to fade. Our long-term memory can last for _____________________. Scientists believe that long-term memory causes actual ___________________________ changes in the brain’s structure.

15. There are about ___________________________ brain cells in the human brain.

16. Every healthy brain cell connects with other brain cells through ___________________________. See the illustration below number 13.

17. The average brain cell connects with about ___________________________ other brain cells in directly. Some brain cells connect with as many as _______________________________ other brain cells indirectly.

18. We “file” our memories based on ___________________________ the information was received. Some parts of the brain hold visual memories. Some parts of the brain hold sound memories. Some parts of the brain hold smell memories. Etc. And humans can ___________________________ these memories more readily than animals seem to be capable of doing.

19. The more often we recall something the ___________________________ it will be to remember it in the future. Reading the notes from a class once every evening a week before a test will be ___________________________ effective preparation than reading the notes several times in one night.

20. The left side of the brain and the right side of the brain perform different functions. We have come to know this by studying the effects of brain __________________. Injuries to the _____________________ side of the brain affect our language abilities much more than injuries to our ____________________ side.

Humans can associate or connect seemingly unrelated pieces of information to their benefit. Example #3
IF     Falling great distances can kill an animal.
AND     Herds of buffalo will stampede away from loud noises and sudden movements.
AND     Stampeding buffalo do things one buffalo wouldn’t normally do.
THEN     If we stampede the buffalo over a cliff we can kill them and eat them.

21. Play is a testing of skills and abilities that one day MAY be used in a win or lose - ___________________________ or ___________________________ situation. Games can prepare us for ___________________________. Stories, myths and fictions can prepare us for everyday life. Music can help us recognize patterns in ___________________________ – a dangerous animal or a traffic light crossing sound.

1. similar    think
2. memory, intelligence and language
3. sight smell hearing taste touch - no special order
4. smell and taste
5. sight and sound
6. survive
8. connections
9. connect
10. real object       real
11. symbolic
12. survive
13. sideways
14. 15 - 20 minutes       years           physical
15. 100 billion
16. dendrites
17. 60,000      250,000 
18. how      connect
19. easier            more
20. injuries/damage      left      right
21. life or death          combat       real life

Circulation Diagrams

To help prepare for the final exam the following diagrams from class are provided here.

You should know...

Blood enters the lungs from the pulmonary artery.
While in the lungs the blood off loads carbon dioxide and upload oxygen.

The oxygen rich blood returns to the heart via the pulmonary vein.

The heart pumps the oxygen rich blood via the aorta to three main areas in the body and their ancillaries: the brain, the digestive system or alimentary canal and the skeletal muscles system. While in these areas the blood will be offloading oxygen and uploading carbon dioxide.

The oxygen poor blood then returns to the heart via the systemic vein system.

The oxygen poor blood is then pumped by the heart via the pulmonary artery to the lungs and... the circuit is repeated.

Exam Question

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Sex Organs: Diagrams and function

Exam material

The following diagrams were labelled and discussed in class. There are four diagrams here. The male sex organs with and without the names.
The female sex organs with and without the names.

The organs and the brief description of their function discussed in class will be part of the final exam.

Female Sex Organs

Labia: Give and receive pleasure during sexual intercourse. Entrance to vagina.

Vagina: Give and receive pleasure during sexual intercourse. Receives sperm and transports it to the cervix.

Cervix: opening to the uterus/womb.

Uterus: The place in the female body where the egg matures to form a baby during pregnancy.

Ovaries: The female gonads - produce the female 'sex' cells containing half of the DNA used to create a new unique human being. ALSO produces estrogen - the hormone that causes women to develop different physical musculature, vocal quality and behaviour from men.

Fallopian tubes: bring the mature egg to the uterus. Fertilization of the egg (the joining of the sperm and the egg) takes place in the fallopian tubes if pregnancy is too occur.

Male Sex Organs: Diagrams and Descriptions

Penis: gives and receives pleasure during act of intercourse. Delivery system for sperm into the vagina.

Urethra: tube through penis. Urine passes through the urethra and out of the body as well as the male ejaculation during sexual intercourse.

Scrotum: sack of skin at base of penis. Keeps testicles at optimum temperature for sperm production- about 35 degrees Celsius. Normal body temperature (37 degrees) is too warm.

Testicles - the male gonads. Produce sperm - 'sex' cells containing half of your DNA information used to create a new unique human being. ALSO produces testosterone - the hormone that causes men to develop different physical musculature, vocal quality and behaviour from women.

Epididimus: Storage area for mature sperm cells - attached to testicles  

Vas Defer (also refered to as Vas Deferens) - delivers sperm to the urethra for passage through the penis. When a man has a vasectomy these tubes (one for each testicle) are cut and healthy active sperm are no longer part of the male ejaculation.

Prostate Gland - produces an alkaline fluid that keeps sperm healthy during the passage through the urethra and inside the vagina.

Cowper Gland: produces a fluid that helps neutralize the residual uric acid in the urethra.

Bladder: storage area for urine - unwanted bodily fluids removed from the blood stream by the kidneys - before being passed from the body.

Digestive System Diagram

There are two diagrams here. One without the names in case you want to practice and one diagram with the names of the different parts.

All names in bold should be memorized for the final exam.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Exam information for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

General Knowledge
What is STI
Sexually Transmitted Infection

True or False: If I have STI, the symptoms will show.
False. Most STIs don’t have any visible signs or symptoms which means that you can have STI and not even know you have it.

What are the main methods of testing/screening for STIs. Name One
Blood test, Urine test, Swab/smear, and Physical exam

True or False: All STIs are curable.
False. HPV, herpes and HIV can stay with you for life. Untreated HIV can shorten your life.

There are 4 different families of STI and each family has many types. Name one
BACTERIAL – Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis
PARASITIC – Lice, Scabies
FUNGAL – Yeast Infection

Types of STIs
This STI is generally associated with cold sores and blister-like sores on the genitals.
Genital herpes

The most common bacterial STI and greatest number of infections found in people 15 – 24 years old…

Virus that destroys cells necessary for a person’s immune system making it difficult to fight other infections.
HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus

This is similar to Chlamydia and is often an asymptomatic infection that can lead to reproductive complications.

Begins as a chancre but if not treated can cause heart and brain damage, as well as destruction of internal organs.

Human Papilloma Virus
True or False: HPV is a very common viral infection in Canada that can cause genital warts and cancer.

True or False: All HPV infection has symptoms.
False. Genital warts are the only visible sign that someone has an HPV infection.

True or False: The risk of HPV infection is highest among people aged 15 – 24.
True. The vaccination is available in Canada for young men and women between the ages 9 – 26 and is 99% effective.

True or False: There is no cure for HPV once you are infected?
True. There are treatments for the warts and cell changes caused by the virus but these do not cure the virus itself – with you for life! Avoid it!!!

True or False: HPV has been linked to anal, penis, mouth, head and neck cancers in boys.

Myth and Facts
Myth or Fact? Contraceptive protect against sexually transmitted infections.
Myth! The only contraceptive that offers such protection is the male and female condom… AND they DO NOT provide 100% protection.

Myth or Fact? A guy can not get a girl pregnant if he doesn’t have an orgasm.
Myth! Men often release a small amount of semen before ejaculation. It is sometimes called pre-cum. This semen still contains sperm and can get a woman pregnant. It only takes one.

Myth or Fact? HPV only affects girls and young women.
Myth. Both men and women can have genital warts and both can have cancer.

Myth or Fact? If I only touch my partner and have oral sex – I can’t get HPV.
Myth! The virus is spread through skin to skin contact with the penis, scrotum, vagina, or anus or a person who has HPV infection. Kissing and touching that person’s sex organ with your moth can spread HPV.

Myth or Fact? I do not need to worry about HPV if my girlfriend has had the HPV vaccine.
Myth! If your girlfriend has been vaccinated she is more likely to be free. She can still carry other types of the HPV. Vaccination can only prevent SOME HPV not cure or treat the HPV infections.

Types of Contraceptives
This method is inserted in the vagina and can remain in place for up to 5 years.
Intra-Uterine Device                             (IUD)
 Or           Intra-Uterine System                            IUS

The most popular form of birth control, but not good for forgetful women.
The Oral Pill

This method works like the birth control pill, but is applied weekly to the skin.
The Patch

One of the very few contraceptive methods that protects against most (NOT ALL) Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Male and Female condom.

The  most ineffective way to prevent pregnancy and STIs?
No Protection.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Your Final Mark from Exam & Assignment 3

Your Final Mark in Physical Education

Culminating Assessment
15% Final Assignment
15% Final Exam –                        9 AM     Thursday November 10   Room TBA
Most of the materials covered in this course can be found on our website.
There will be a review in class on Tuesday November 8th.

Assignment 3: FINAL Health Assignment - (the format is the same as Assignment 2)
1. Write 10 questions about one of the topics assigned or one of your choice approved by your instructor.
2. Find answers in reputable publications or on reputable websites. You must use at least 3 sources. (NOT wikipedia)
3. Print or photocopy the materials you use to answer the questions and hand these in with your final paper.
4. Make it clear in your answers where the information comes from.

  • Your final submission will be typed.
  • It will be written in English sentences that are easy to understand. Spelling and grammar will be considered when the assignment is marked.
  • It will have your name, your topic, your ten questions, answers to the questions, a clear indication of where the answers came from, the printed or photocopied material used to answer the ten questions. SEE THE EXAMPLE on the reverse
  • Your paper should be at least 400 words.
  • Your paper should not be over 800 words.

This may seem like a lot but if you've done assignment one and two then you know what to do.

DEADLINE: Tuesday, November 8              
Marks will be deducted for late assignments.
Assignments will not be accepted after November 11th.
I must submit marks to the office 9 AM November 14.

Chose one of the topic below or if you have a health topic you would like to research ask your instructor if it is acceptable for this course.
1.            The life of a professional athlete in (name the sport)
2.            The pros and cons of legalizing cannabis
3.             The pros and cons of outlawing tobacco
4.            The short and long term health effects of meth-amphetamine use
5.            Anger Management
6.            YOUR TOPIC???

EXAMPLE   TITLE PAGE with Sources 

NAME: D. Delabbio
COURSE: Grade 11 Physical Education
SUBJECT: Questions and Answers about Tattoo Health Concerns

Source #1: About.Com

Source #2:

Source#3: Time Magazine   November 22, 1999
"Why Not Tattoo"

EXAMPLE Page 1 with Questions,  Answers and sources.

Question 1.
Do Tattoos hurt?

Answers to Question 1.
a) Everybody is different. Some people say the application of a tattoo is little more than an annoyance. Some people have said it’s like a “hot scratch”. And at the other end of things, there are some people who yell, scream and even faint from the pain. (source #1)

b) A woman might find the pain more or less intense depending on the time they get the work done during their menstrual cycle. (source #2)

Question 2.
What are the dangers of getting a tattoo?

Answers to Question #2
a) Make sure your tattoo artist is licensed and find out exactly what precautions that are taken to sterilize the tools and needles. Many different diseases can be  spread by unsanitary practices, including Hepititis A and B. (source #2)

b) Hospitals in big cities have reported an increase in the number of people be treated for infections caused by improperly applied tattoos. (Source #3)

c) When you get older or change your career or move to a different country the attitudes of the people around you may make the tattoo a big problem for you or your family or friends. (Source #3)

Question 3
Can tattoos be removed.

Answers to Question #3
a)                                          etc...

            If you haven't been able to answer the question leave the answer section blank.

<!--[if !vml]-->
Notice that after every answer I've written the source that I got it from.
If you want to use a fourth or fifth source include them on your list on your title page and include a printed/photocopied version with your final submission. 


Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Health Assignment TWO Part 3

Health Assignment 2  PART THREE           
DEADLINE: October 31                                                                 

This may seem like a lot but if you've been doing the research in part one and two up until now then putting all the information together now should be easy.

In the first part of Assignment Two you were to choose one of the following subjects.

1.      Sport’s Medicine vs. Regular Medicine

2.      Compare  different types of Strength Training apparatus

3.      Health Superstitions

4.      Skin Care for young adults

5.      Long term health effects of sleep loss

6.      Common Workplace Health Hazards

1. Do you want to or have you been instructed to change any of your original 10 questions? Do that now.
2. Find another article to help you answer your questions. – This should be your THIRD article at least. If you find additional information to help a question that has already been answered, you can add this.
3. PRINT this THIRD article and include this when you hand in your FINAL VERSION OF THE ASSIGNMENT.
4. Write answers to as many more of the questions as you can, using this second article.
5. Hand in PART ONE with the first article and PART TWO with the second article and the third article with the information you have found as part of PART THREE.

Put all your information into one typed submission to be handed in.

Your Part Three submission will have a title page with

Your Name
Your Course: (Grade 11 or Grade 12 Physical Eduaction)
Your subject: (one of the five given)
Your THREE Sources:
  • A website name with its complete web address,                         OR      
  • A magazine name with the date of publication and article title            OR  
  • A book title with the publisher and author names and page numbers          etc.        
If your source is something other than the above options check with your instructor.

After  your title page you will have all ten of your questions and any answers you found for each question following - with a note at the end of each answer saying which source it came from.  SEE THE EXAMPLE BELOW

At the end of your questions and answers
ALSO include a printed or photocopied version of the material you listed in your sources.

EXAMPLE   TITLE PAGE with Sources 

NAME: D. Delabbio
COURSE: Grade 11 Physical Education
SUBJECT: Questions and Answers about Tattoo Health Concerns

Source #1

Source #2

Time Magazine   November 22, 1999
"Why Not Tattoo"

EXAMPLE Page 1 with Questions,  Answers and sources.

Question 1.
Do Tattoos hurt?

Answers to Question 1.
a) Everybody is different. Some people say the application of a tattoo is little more than an annoyance. Some people have said it’s like a “hot scratch”. And at the other end of things, there are some people who yell, scream and even faint from the pain. (source #1)

b) A woman might find the pain more or less intense depending on the time they get the work done during their menstrual cycle. (source #2)

Question 2.
What are the dangers of getting a tattoo?

Answers to Question #2
a) Make sure your tattoo artist is licensed and find out exactly what precautions that are taken to sterilize the tools and needles. Many different diseases can be  spread by unsanitary practices, including Hepititis A and B. (source #2)

b) Hospitals in big cities have reported an increase in the number of people be treated for infections caused by improperly applied tattoos. (Source #3)

c) When you get older or change your career or move to a different country the attitudes of the people around you may make the tattoo a big problem for you or your family or friends. (Source #3)

Question 3
Can tattoos be removed.

Answers to Question #3
a) etc...

If you haven't been able to answer the question leave the answer section blank.

Notice that after every answer I've written the source that I got it from.
If you want to use a fourth or fifth source include them on your list on your title page and include a printed/photocopied version with your final submission. 

 DEADLINE for Assignment Two is October 31.

ASSIGNMENT THREE will be due November 8th

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Two Hearts that beat as one: Questions & ANSWERS

The questions for this in class assignment are below - followed by the answers.

Two Hearts that beat as one: Video                                    NAME:

1.     The human heart is actually ____________ pumps.
2.     One pump pushes blood to the _________________ to exchange __________________  ____________________ for ________________________________. This exchange is called ________________________________________.
3.     The other pump pushes blood to all other parts of the body to supply it with ____________________________________ and _________________________________nutrients and help remove __________________________________________.

4.     Within _______________________________ weeks of conception the cells that make up the human heart have started to beat in the womb.

5.     The rate and strength of the heart’s beating sends blood to all parts of the body at the correct __________________________ and _____________________________.

6.     The journey of blood around the body takes about ________________________________ when we are at rest.

7.     As blood travels through the capillaries in a muscle it off loads _________________________ and uploads _______________________  ___________________________.

8.     The blood enters the heart by way of ______________________________ into the __________________________________. It is then pushed into the _______________________________ where it is pumped out by way of ______________________________________.

9.     The aorta is the ____________________________________ blood vessel in the body.

10. There are 3 main components to the heart.
11. The valves: There are __________________ of them. They make sure the blood flows in the __________________________direction by allowing blood to move in only one direction. The closing of the valves causes the ____________________________ we associate with the heart ‘beating’ by causing waves of _______________________________ in the blood.

12. The heart muscle: provides __________________________ to move the blood throughout the body. If supplied with oxygenated and food, heart muscle cells with continue to ___________________________ even if separated from the heart.

13. The pacemaker: a small node of tissue in the top of the heart that ____________________________________________ the rhythmic contractions of the heart, starting with the _________________________ chambers and then followed by the _________________________________ chambers.

14. The fight or flight response starts in the ________________________________. When a person perceives a situation to be dangerous or exciting, it sends a message to the _______________________________ glands just above the ______________________________. They release ______________________________, a hormone that _____________________  ___________ the heart, __________________________ blood vessels and _________________________ air passages. This prepares the body for action by increasing the supply of _________________________ and ___________________________ to all parts of the body.

15. Opinion? Can a person become addicted to adrenalin? Explain.

16. What are the dangers or advantages of seeking an “adrenalin rush”?

17. The average heart rate when we are under little strain is __________ beats per minute.

18. The Colossus rollercoaster at Magic Mountain is 125 feet tall. It’s maximum speed it 62 miles an hour. What did they say the G- force a person would feel at the bottom of the highest hill? _________________________

19.   The Behemoth at Wonderland goes faster and Flight Deck at Wonderland has more G-force.

20. We can train our heart to increase its output by ______________________________ times.

21. The more we __________________________ muscle fiber the more strongly they _______________________.

22. A well-trained athlete’s heart can be ____________________% thicker than the average person’s and it can expel ___________________% more blood when it beats.

23. A well-trained athlete’s heart can deliver the ___________________  ______________________ of blood with ______________________________ beats. So athlete’s hearts beat at rates as low as 40 beats per minute.

24. Coronary Arteries supply the ____________________________ with fresh oxygenated blood.

25. Fats in the blood or an increased tendency for blood to clot, increases the chances of _________________________________________.

Two Hearts beat as one                        ANSWERS

  1. 2 pumps
  2. 2. lungs   carbon dioxide   oxygen   respiration
  3. oxygen and nutrients        waste
  4.      6 – 7 weeks
  5. pressure and speed
  6. one minute
  7. download oxygen    upload carbon dioxide
  8. veins into the atrium       ventricles      pumped out by way of the arteries
  9. widest
  10.  3 main components to the heart
  11. 4 valves     flows in the correct direction    causes the sound    waves of turbulence
  12. force or power      contract or ‘beat’
  13. coordinates     top     bottom
  14. brain    adrenal glands      above the kidneys         adrenaline hormone 
 -speeds up the heart  -constricts blood vessels  -dilates air passages  -oxygen & nutrients
  1. ???
  2. ???
  3.    70 beats per minute
  4.    3 – G                        3 times normal gravity so if you weigh 100 pounds at the bottom you will feel as if you suddenly weight 300 pounds.
  5. No answers just FYI
  6.     4 – 5 times
  7. stretch    contract
  8.      30%            30%
  9. same amount      less beats
  10. heart
  11. blockage